Monday, June 15, 2015

Summer Rules for my 8 Year-Old Son that Strike a Balance

Let me start by saying that if you are a Tiger Mom looking for a strict way to keep your child on point this summer, this may not be the place for you.  I want my son to have some responsibility this summer and keep up with what he has learned, but I also feel that breaks should give our kids some time to relax.  The summer breaks have gotten shorter. Here in Maryland, our kids have about two months off.  I don't know about your kids, but my son works hard all year at school and at extra circular activities.  Some weeks and weekends we are very busy.  My son loves his sports and needs his school, but I also think taking a real break is OK.  To be honest, if he found school easier, I may do less worksheets over the summer and just learn through activities, but he is just not a kid that can afford to lose too much. 

That being said, here are my draft set of rules for weekdays during the summer at my house this year.

1. You may watch a little TV when you first wake up, but just for 30 minutes. After that, it is time to move around.

2. Each day, you need to do each of the following:
  • Read for 20 minutes. This can be your bedtime reading.
  • Play outside for at least an hour. This can include the pool or any sports camps you go to.  If it's raining, you can be active inside. (This one will be easy and I am sure it will be exceeded most days)
  • Play for 30 minutes inside without the TV on. (Toys, Board Games, drawing, etc.)
  • Do one educational worksheet, write someone a letter or do some creative writing.
  • Do one house chore
3. Unless someone is spending the night, you will be in bed by 10 pm.  (I know this may seem late for some 8 year-olds, but he would stay up until midnight if I let him. And do not worry, he gets plenty of sleep since he is not an early riser.)

4. When we are on vacation, you will still bring a book to read. The rest of the rules? Well, we'll see.

5. If you play Xbox, write at least two sentences about each game you played or team/character you created.

6. If you watch TV, write at least two sentences about each show you watch.

7. If you get bored try to come up with something to do out of the bored jar that we will make together.  If you ask Daddy what you can do more than once a day, he will give you a chore or make you write.

8. These rules can change at anytime based on your behavior. If you have been good, we may wipe all the rules and have a totally fun day. If you choose not to cooperate,  they may become more strict.

Please tell me what you think. This is my first year of making written rules. I wonder if I am being too soft or if the whole idea of written rules over the summer is ridiculous.

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