Friday, August 19, 2011

The Pioneer Woman

Have you ever met someone that changed your life almost in an instant? Maybe your spouse or a great friend?  Well, I won’t say this is exactly the same; but it just might come close. ;)

I have a few old friends that I have connected with on face book that have status updates that I really look forward to.  Some are funny or sassy, some have great quotes, and some are just so filled with the joy of life that you can’t help but to be inspired.  For me, Jen P., is the latter.  Much to my happiness, she also has a blog full of cute family stories, her love of God and wonderfully yummy recipes.  I often drool over her pictures and one day I just couldn’t take it any longer. I HAD to make the monkey bread she had made; recipe courtesy of the Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond.   For those of you who have made monkey bread, you know that it is not hard, but boy, is it good. For those of you who have not, I suggest you do.

If the monkey bread was not enough, I searched through the Pioneer Woman website and found a plethora of yummy recipes. I mean, down-home, butter-filled, lick-your-lips, yummy!  This woman can cook and to top it off she is a suburban girl married to a country boy. For some reason, I can relate to that. 

These recipes were so good and Ree’s writing is so engaging that I have cooked more lately than I have in a long time. I even reorganized my cabinets to make some of my previously less-used pans and dishes available.  Perhaps the best part is that I often find Jacob at my side, ready to help. Considering the richness of some of these recipes, I don’t cook them every day, but she has some healthier recipes too.  Besides, sometimes you have to treat yourself.

Thank you Ree Drummand for reminding me how much I love to cook and for making it a family affair. I cannot wait for the Food Network show.

Vegetables are a must on a diet.  I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie. 
~Jim Davis

Might not be good for you, but it sure is gonna be good!
~Paula Dean

1 comment:

  1. Behind on reading my blogs so I just saw this - that was so sweet, and I'm so glad you enjoy catching up via facebook and blogging, and that you are loving the amazing Pioneer Woman! My mom told me tonight she is going to have a show on the Food Network soon!
