Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ten Amazing Freedoms of Being an Adult

Somewhere around 30 I started to realize that I had become much more carefree about certain things and that list of things has only grown since then. Perhaps it was being married or having a kid, but I think it was just something that came with maturity.  I lost some of my self consciousness about certain things and felt comfortable in places that I had not before.

Here are some things that I am now comfortable with that I would not have been at 20.

Driving an old car and genuinely not caring what people think. While I would love a new one, I now realize how nice it is not to have a car payment.

Going to places alone...think dinner, movies or shopping. Not only am I comfortable, but after a day at work in meetings or a crazy meal with my kids, I would actually welcome it.

Biting my tongue.  I used to think I had to make all of my opinions known. I would feel like I was going to burst if I didn't. I have learned that some times, it is more effective to wait to do so and that other times, it is just not worth it at all.

Creating unlikely friendships. There's no such thing as cool kids once you're an adult.

Wearing Clothes that look good on me... not a model or a mannequin. Girls often want to look like a magazine or mannequin in a store. Women do not always look good in those outfits. Learning what works for you rocks!

Learning to say, "I don't know." There is something wonderful that comes with knowing that you do not have all of the answers and, if you can believe it, that is alright.  Know one has all of the answers and no one expects you to. Even at work, I am comfortable with that.  My boss knows that I will find the answer, but she also  knows that it might not be on the top of my head.

Knowing that friends don't have to talk as often as I thought. As college and adulthood happened, I learned that my close childhood friends can still remain close even when we do not talk that often.  Recently, I also have learned that even my neighborhood friends

Being happy to have no plans. Nothing to do for an hour or so? Yes, please!

Narrowing down my group of friends. There was once a time where I thought I should be friends with everyone. Now I realize that while I have many of acquaintances, close friends are such a gift and I do not need 20 of them. To be honest, I am not sure I could even keep up with that many close friendships.

Asking for help. I am learning what I know and don't know and what I am really capable of. While I am capable of more than I thought, I am cannot always being the superwoman that I would like. Being comfortable asking for help has taken off so much pressure and sometimes I even learn in the process!

Not always being in control or leading.  Growing up I was often told that I was such a leader. That is a great compliment that also comes with alot of responsibility because I thought it meant that I should always want to be the leader. That, coupled with my control-freak attributes, meant I was always offering to be the group leader or the shift supervisor and applying for the next promotion. While all of these things are great and have helped me, sometimes you need to back off and let someone else be in charge; maybe for your own good, or maybe for the good of the project. Either way, it can be so freeing to hand over the reigns.

Realizing that work is not life or death and that I am not the only one who is capable of my job.  I used to put so much pressure on myself as if one wrong comma was going to end the world. Working for the military, I eventually learned that some of my coworkers have worked in life-or-death situations, but my office job is not one of them.  I also learned that since others are also capable, it is okay to take a vacation here and there.  The office will be here when I get back. That second part also does push me a little with the reminder that someone else could do my job. In a weird way, it gives a balance as a reminder to work hard, but that it is okay not be perfect and to take a break.

Okay, sorry, that was twelve. I guess I have more freedom than I thought!

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