Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I am a Hypocrite

Yesterday, I realized that I am a hypocrite.  Let me explain.
If your child is anything like mine, they often know the right thing to do, they just do not do it. I couldn't tell you why, but I can tell you that I find it utterly frustrating. 
When my son gets his homework done quickly, he has much more time to play.  He acknowledges this, but still lolygags the next day. WHY?
When he puts his stuff where it belongs, he does not spend time cleaning later. So, does he do this without reminder? NO!
He and I have gone round and round about this, and then, last week, it happened. I turned into my son.
My sister and I were on the phone, both talking about projects that we needed to do in our homes. We were getting ready for a party and company and we were annoyed with ourselves that we had not spaced out the projects. I said to her that I know better, I just don't do it. We commiserated together and moved on.
For some reason, I thought about that conversation yesterday and realized that not only do I need to cut my little guy some slack, but I need to be a better role model. If I do not do the things that I know I should do, why do I get so mad at him? If I procrastinate, why wouldn't I think that he would?  It was like a slap in the face.  
Don't get me wrong, I know that I will still procrastinate and do other things that I get mad at my kids for doing. And to make it worse, I will still push my kids to do better. I will do this because I want better for my kids than for myself.  With that being said, I do hope that my new revelation will help me to be more aware and, in turn, make better choices.  I'll let you know how this is going in a few weeks.

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