We didn't get a single win this year. I bet you are frustrated and I bet you think the boys are, too. Well, let me tell you something, my son was a little frustrated, but to be honest, I think that was the least of the things he felt. Let me tell you about all of the things that came above not winning.
The boys learned alot this year. They learned how to hold their hand when they are at bat. They learned not to slow down when they run, just so they can watch the ball they just hit. They learned how to overrun first base. They learned how to cover a base when needed and what a relay is. Maybe more importantly, they learned that practice helps you improve and they learned how to lose gracefully.
The boys also gained a great experience and wonderful memories. They made new friends and got to play ball with them 3 days a week. They got to get dressed in a uniform that made them feel like a real baseball player. The got to feel how good it felt to get better and to finally have an inning end because their team scored too many runs.
My son did not talk about losing last night. He talked about how much better he got at catcher and how much he liked playing short stop and pitcher. He talked about how he'd like to try first base next year. (Which means, he'd like to play next year). He talked about how he'll buy me a house in NYC when he plays for the Yankees so that I can come to all of his games. He talked about how good Tony's hit was and how Ethan played even when he scraped up his arm.
These boys live in the moment and it will be some time before they see how much they learned this year and much their character grew with a season like this. They will probably be adults and maybe even have kids of their own before they realize how much time you gave this year to help them to be better and have fun. They have no idea how you probably went to work early so that you could get to practice on time or how you had to juggle your schedule to pick up uniforms and equipment and go to coaches clinics. But, let me tell you something, we, the parents, see all of that and we really appreciate you.

Please know that even though this was not a winning season, our boys are winners because of the experience that had with you. Thank you for all that you have done for our boys.
This grateful mother
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