Tomorrow, my little princess turns one! I am not sure if it
is because having two kids is busier than having one, or if my memory is
failing me, but it seems to have passed by so much faster this time. I feel it was just last month that I could not
imagine my life with 2 children. I feel like it was last week that I held her
little newborn self curled up on my chest and, I feel like it was just yesterday
that she looked so tiny in her big crib as I laid her in it for the first
time. It really is amazing how fast they
turn from this tiny baby into little humans with personalities, and boy does
Ella have a personality. She knows what she wants, when she wants and how she
wants. (She may have gotten that from her momma!) She also smiles at you in a way that makes your heart light up as if you are the best thing she has ever seen. She is so funny and smart, and curious and determined. She is certainly her own person, already!
As my little girls turns one, I pray for her today and in
her future. I pray that she dream big but keep her feet on the ground. I pray
that she love with her whole heart and be loved the same way. I pray that she
keep her mind open and her morals on close-hold. I pray that she enjoy life while
being responsible and mature. I pray that she learn from her mistakes and disappointments
in a way that makes her stronger and happier.
I pray that she can recognize challenges but find something good in
everything. I pray that she surround herself with people that treat her well
and show her kindness and support and that she do the same for them. I pray
that she show respect to all people, recognizing the respect humanity deserves,
even though some humans may not behave in a way that seems deserving. I pray
that she thirst for knowledge, in school as well as in life. Most importantly,
I pray that she love God with her heart soul and mind.

Happy Birthday, sweet Eliana Marie! Although I know that you
will challenge me, test me, argue with me and even disappoint me, I also know
that you will bring me extreme joy and I will always love you. I cannot wait to
see what the future holds for you.
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