Friday, October 1, 2010

Making Some Changes . . . Woo Hoo!

In general, I am a happy person who tries to remember the immense blessings that God has bestowed upon me.  However for the last year or so, I have had 2 things that have been a constant distraction for me.  I am so happy to be able to say that I now have a plan to work on both!
The first one is my house.  Anyone who knows me knows that I am not OCD and that my life depends on organized chaos at some level.  As a result, I do not have the cleanest office and I am often procrastinating cleaning at home.   However, as I get older and have less time to do more things, I really need some organization; the lack of it wastes time that I do not have.  As well, although it may contradict my habits, I do love organization. I love the idea of “a place for everything and everything in its place” Now do not get me wrong, if I have a busy week and it leaves me with only a few hours to spend with Jakey or clean, I will always pick time with my little buddy.  I do not think I will ever be the kind to pick cleaning over time with him. I do, however, hope to find a better balance. 
As I have said before my life can be chaotic, as a result, I do not have time for crazy cleaning all the time. Therefore, I am so excited and thankful that my mom is going to come over this weekend to help me organize and simplify!  I have been looking forward to this for a while and am glad the day is here. We are going to find a place for everything. Some items may find a place in the house, some in the attic and some in the donation/trash pile.  I am looking forward to easily knowing where everything is and finding a place for those random items that have never had a home.
The second distraction for me has been my health, or lack thereof.  I am lucky not to have any major health problems at this point in my life, but I am also well aware that I do not always make the right choices.  I simply have not made myself a priority. Even now, I feel selfish saying it that way. However, I realize that an unhealthy me is in no way helpful to my family. So . . . I joined a gym.  I joined a gym that has hours and classes that will fit into my schedule.  I now have no excuses. I know that you do not need a gym to be healthy, but I have not been successful at doing it without one so far, and I think the gym time will also be helpful for me mentally. I love my guys, but I am kind of looking forward to the alone time while I work out. I am also looking forward to feeling good about the shape I am in.  I know it will be hard process, but I am excited to make this change that I have been thinking about for so long.
Most importantly, I am looking forward to that fact that making these two changes will mean less distraction for me and more focus for my family.  Watch world, here I come. Once I accomplish overcoming these two hurdles, who knows what I will be able to do!

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